Course Informations  
Program B. Sc. (Hons). Food Science and Technology
Academic Year Spring-2020
Session 2018-22
Section Regular + Self-Support
Semester IV
Course Code FST- 202
Course Tittle Elements of Food and Nutrition
Credit Hours 3 (3-0)
Course Teacher Dr. Shahid Mahmood (Associate Professor)
Email [email protected]
Class Hours Wed + Thu: 9:40 am; Fri: 10:30 am

Course Description

The biological structure, classification, functions and sources of basic nutrients i.e. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, minerals and vitamins are core of this course. The essentials allied to nutrients and energy with respect to digestion, absorption, metabolism, diseases of malnutrition and nutritional status and its assessment are point of focus.

Course Objective

  • To understand the biological aspects of vital nutrients
  • To comprehend the relationship between food, nutrition and health.
  • To apprehend the digestion, absorption, functions and food sources of various nutrients.
  • To appreciate the concept of balanced and healthy diets.
  • To be able to assess nutritional status of adults.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Acquire knowledge of basic nutrients, their structures, functions, requirements and dietary sources under normal physiological conditions.
  • Describe the basic categories of nutrients and how these contribute to human function and health.
  • Attain an essential understanding of food groups and their nutritional significance.
  • Explain digestion, absorption, functions and food sources of various nutrients.
  • Understand the concept of balanced diets and menu planning.
  • Elaborate the nutritional health status and it assessment.

Recommended Books

  1. Michelle, M. and K. A. Beerman. 2013.Nutritional Sciences from Fundamentals to Food. 3rd Ed. Wadsworth Cengage Learning, USA.
  2. Geissler, C. and H. Powers. 2010. Human Nutrition. Churchill Livingstone, London, UK
  3. Michael, J. G., S. A. Lanham, C. Aedin and H. V. Hester. 2009. Introduction to Human Nutrition. 2nd Ed. Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
  4. Awan, J. A. 2007. Elements of Food and Nutrition. Unitech Communications, Faisalabad.
  5. Bamji, M.S., N. P. Rao and V. Reddy. 2004. Textbook of Human Nutrition. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India
  6. Eastwood, M. 2003. Principles of Human Nutrition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA
  7. Jim, M. and A. Stewart. 2002. Essential of Human Nutrition. 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press Inc., New York.
  8. Garrow, J.S., W. P. T. James and A. Ralph. 2000. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Churchill Livingstone, London, UK

Course Contents

  1. Introduction and definitions: Food, nutrition, nutrients, diet, balanced diet
  2. Food Groups: Food guide pyramid, my pyramid, my plate, diet planning, diet therapy, RDA, DRI, DV, AMDR, food composition
  3. Manu and Meal Planning: Manu, meal, meal planning
  4. Food Values: pH values, PRAL values, ORAC values, glycemic index, glycemic load
  5. Sensory Evaluation: Color, flavor, odor, texture, taste, satiety
  6. Water: Functions, sources, regulation in body, dietary requirements, content in food
  7. Carbohydrates: Types, role in body, dietary fiber, sweeteners, dietary requirements, content in food
  8. Fats and Oils: Types, functions, dietary requirements, content in food, fat substitutes
  9. Proteins: Amino acids, protein synthesis, classification, functions, quality of proteins, dietary requirements, content in foods
  10. Vitamins: Classification, role in body, content in food
  11. Mineral Elements: Types, requirements, sources, functions
  12. Digestion: Alimentary tract, digestive juices, secretions
  13. Absorption and metabolism of nutrients: Carbohydrates, protein, lipids
  14. Nutrient and Dietary Deficiency Disorders (symptoms, causes, prevention): Malnutrition, obesity, coronary diseases
  15. Nutrient and Dietary Deficiency Disorders (symptoms, causes, prevention): lactose and gluten intolerance
  16. Nutrient and Dietary Deficiency Disorders (symptoms, causes, prevention): diabetes, dental caries, cancer

Research Project / Assignments

  1. The students will have to collect water and food samples from different places and analyze their quality
  2. The students will go through their NHS assessment.
  3. The students will write a report (MS Word) about assigned work and presented (MS Power Point) in the class.
Evaluation / Assessment Criteria
Criteria Marks
Mid Term Exam 30
Final Term Exam 50
Sessional 20
              Oral / Quiz  2 × 2.5 = 5
              Written Tests 2 × 2.5 = 5
              Assignment Reports 2 × 2.5 = 5
             Assignment Presentations 2 × 2.5 = 5

Rules and Regulations

  1. The student should have at least 75% attendance in Theory and Practical (both) to appear final term exam.
  2. The student will be warned on missing three consecutive lectures.
  3. The student will be struck off from the rolls for being absent in six lectures consecutively.
  4. The attendance status will be noticed on monthly basis.

Weekly Lecture Diary





Introduction and Definitions

Food, nutrition, nutrients, diet, balanced diet


Food Groups

Food guide pyramid, my pyramid, my plate, diet planning, diet therapy, RDA, DRI, DV, AMDR, food composition

Sessional Activity

Oral / Quiz  # 1


Manu and Meal Planning

Manu, meal, meal planning


Food Values

pH values, PRAL values, ORAC values, glycemic index, glycemic load  

Sessional Activity

Written Test # 1


Sensory Evaluation

Color, flavor, odor, texture, taste, satiety



Functions, sources, regulation in body, dietary requirements, content in food

Sessional Activity

Assignment Report # 1  



Types, role in body, dietary fiber, sweeteners, dietary requirements, content in food


Fats and Oils

Types, functions, dietary requirements, content in food, fat substitutes

Sessional Activity

Assignment Presentation # 1  



Mid Term



Amino acids, protein synthesis, classification, functions, quality of proteins, dietary requirements, content in foods



Classification, role in body, content in food

Sessional Activity

Oral / Quiz  # 2


Mineral Elements

Types, requirements, sources, functions



Alimentary tract, digestive juices, secretions

Sessional Activity

Written Test # 2


Absorption and Metabolism of Nutrients

Carbohydrates, Protein, Lipids


Nutrient and Dietary Deficiency Disorders

Malnutrition, Obesity, Diabetes, Coronary Diseases

Sessional Activity

Assignment Report # 2


Nutrient and Dietary Deficiency Disorders

Lactose Intolerance, Gluten Intolerance


Nutrient and Dietary Deficiency Disorders

Cancer, Dental Caries

Sessional Activity

Assignment Presentation # 2



Final Term


Course Material