Unit 1 (Week 01 & Week 02) : Introduction
Course Overview
This part of course is dedicated to provide an overview of the course and explores essential topics, themes and issues relevent to the field of social policy. Objective of this unit is to introduce students to the field of social policy, its origins, historical trajectory, connection with and presence in key aspects of our daily lives. Following areas are covered in this unit
Lecture 1: Week 1
- The discipline of social policy: What is social policy?
- Development of social policy
- The scope of social policy: What does social policy study?
Lecture 2: Week 2
- Objectives and principals of social policy
- Why social policy matters?
- Current issue and debates in social policy
Required Reading:
Spicker, P. (2014), Social Policy: Theory and Practice. Policy Press: UK
Recommended Readings
Blakemore, K.(2nd ed.)(2003), Social policy: An Introduction. Open University Press: UK