Week 13-14 : Cleaner sources of energy, Industrial pollution, waste disposal & Groundwater contaminations

 Renewable  energy  is  energy  that  is  collected  from  renewable  resources,  which  are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy is natural energy which does not have a limited supply. It can be used again and again, and will never run out.  In Industrial Pollution,Technology has been developed rapidly, science became advanced and the manufacturing age came into view. With all of these came one more effect,  Earlier, industries were small factories that produced smoke as the main pollutant. Groundwater pollution (also called groundwater contamination) occurs when pollutants are released to the ground and make their way down into groundwater. This type of water pollution can also occur naturally due to the presence of a minor and unwanted constituent, contaminant or impurity in the groundwater, in which case it is more likely referred to as contamination rather than pollution.