Week 3,4. Communication Skills for Teaching,

Communication skills involve listening and speaking as well as reading and writing. For effective teaching a teacher need to be highly skilled in all these areas.

As a global medium of communication the importance of English has increased a lot in the present social, political and commercial contexts. With the advancements of Information technology in various spheres of society, English has become the only language for the world citizen. In Bangladesh, English has long been taught as a core subject from class 1 -12, yet it is very painful to watch that students are still lagging behind to achieve comprehensive productive skills, that is writing and speaking skills. For a long time communicative method is followed at schools and colleges that aims at developing four skills reading, writing, listening and speaking. Proper planning, implementation and monitoring can make it possible to achieve students’ language proficiency in four skills simultaneously. This paper focuses on the challenges and possible solutions on the way of effective application of productive skills.