Text Books

1. Alan, Bryman. (2001). Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press.
2. Kenneth, D. Bailley. (1978). Methods of Social Research, New York.
3. Willian, J. Good. (1981). Methods in Social Research, New York.
4. Uwe, Flick. (2002). An Introduction of Qualitative Research (2nd ed.), London.
5. W., Lawrence Neuman. (1997). Social Research Methods Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, (3rd ed.), Boston.
6. Diane, Keholos Wysocki. (2001). Reading in Social Research Methods (the words worth Sociology reader series) Australia.
7. Duane, R. Monette. (2002). Applied Social Research, (Tool for the Human Services, 5th Edition), Australia