Lesson Plan

Week 1

Introduction and Background: Organizational behavior: Key concepts, A historical perspective on organizational behavior, Organizational behavior and contemporary issues.

Week 2

Organization: Structure and Design: The nature and purpose of organization, The classical and modern concepts of organization, Span of control and organization structures,

Week 3

Authority relations: Line, staff and functional, Authority: Delegation and decentralization, Departmentalization, Organizational life cycle stages, The contingency approach of organization design, Today’s organizations and various designs,

week 4

Organizational effectiveness Organizational Culture: The dynamics of organization’s culture, the basic approaches to organizational culture, the cross-cultural awareness, total quality culture creation, changing and developing cohesive organization’s culture

week 5

Organizational Change and Development: The nature and typology of organizational change, The diagnosis of forces for change,

week 6

The models and dynamics of planned change, Resistance to change and its management,

week 7

Techniques for managing change, Organizational development: Objective & model, Change management and contemporary issues in TQM. 

week 8

Mid Term Exam

Week 9

Foundations of Individual Behaviour: The perception process, The attribution theory, Personality and organizational behaviour, Attitudes, personal values and ethics

week 10

Learning &behavioural modification Behaviour Modification: Behavioural learning models, Principles of behavior modification, the process of modifying on-the-job behaviour, Behaviouralself management

week 11

Socialization and Mentoring: The organizational socialization process, The socialization techniques, Mentoring,

week 12

Organizational roles and norms Work Group Behaviour: Work group: Types, functions & development process, Work group structure, composition and effectiveness,

week 13

Inter group interactions, Organization influence tactics, Organization’s politics, Strategies for improving work group performance. 

week 14

Organizational Conflicts Management: The nature of conflict, Functional versus dysfunctional conflict

week 15

Approaches to effective conflict resolution, Conflict stimulation

week 16

Final Term Exam