Resource Sharing In Libraries: A Vital Role of Consortia

Today, the object of resource sharing has changed the old concept of resource sharing
due to multi-dimensional growth of published documents in recent past, increasing cost of books
and subscribing periodicals, advancement of new technology for information processing and
dissemination are some of the fundamentals factors which require information resource sharing
among the libraries. From a long time, libraries were practicing information resource sharing
among libraries. Besides entering into inter-library loan practice, libraries thought seriously of
resource sharing for the proliferation of information which is the out come of the rapid growth of
publications and staying in the limited budget they are trying to integrate libraries cautiously for
resource sharing in their principle of collection development. For collection development,
participating libraries should come together and cooperate in two broad areas,

  • Developing the collection on shared basis
  • Developing services for exploiting such collection

Traditional library is seriously affected by barriers of information communication, like
indifference of the lending library, conservative attitude, distance, language, cost, time etc. for
inter-library loan. These barriers may be eliminated by computerized inter-library loan system.
There are several constraints to the resource sharing in the print environment as it existed till

  • Open access to shared resource not possible & Service depends upon library performance
  •  Access to shared resource at a cost & Authenticity of collected information resources on

Reader services are also critical to the resource sharing Programme for its performance in
providing access to shared resources effectively and efficiently. Most of the libraries are not
organized and fully equipped to render services to the users satisfactorily should be taken care of.
Modern information technology has made the activity of resource sharing very simple and
convenient manner. This new technology comes forward for products and services of the library
that have changed the traditional library objectives and operation which may be called the
revolutionary changes to the information field. These technologies are called computer
technology and telecommunication technology. By these, library can easily perform resource
sharing Programme and services to the users very quickly and timely with least cot. Emergence
of library consortia is a very promising development in this direction.