Collection development in academic libraries

Collection development is one of the most challenging and imaginative processes of the library profession whereby, the library staff acquires a variety of materials to meet the demand of its users. The phrase “collection development‟ does not seem to be new to the librarians for most of them often use it as a synonym for the terms” selection‟ and „acquisition‟. It may, however, be pointed out that „collection development‟, as also mentioned by Gardner and rightly so, is more encompassing a term since it involves more than just selection and/or acquisition. In recent years, the term "Collection Development" has come to encompass a board range of activities related to the policies and procedures of selection, acquisition and evaluation of library collection. Collection development is an important activity of a librarian. The users are the best judge of the collection of a library. They are in the best position to know what is available in the library and what is not. They can better tell whether
the collection is really satisfying their information needs or not. Again, of all types of library users in university, researchers and scholars are in an advantageous position to offer comments on the quality of the collection, because they are well familiar with the whole range of literature in a given subject area. They may, therefore, usefully suggest as to what could be acquired in order to strengthen the holdings and also fill in the gaps in the existing collection.