Pragmatism; Theme and Educational Implications
Topics to discuss in this lecture
- Pragmatism; theme and major proponents
- Fundamental principles of Pragmatism
- Principles and Aims of Education
- Shape of Curriculum
- Methods of teaching
- Teachers and student role
- Shape and role of school
- Discipline in class and school
Major proponents of Pragmatism
- Charles Peirce
- John Dewey
- William James
- Kilpatrik
Pragmatism and its Fundamental Principles
- Word “Prgama” has Greek origin with meaning “efficient” , “active” or “ work Done”
- Modern Philosophy
- American Philosophy, evolved for solution of the American changing society
- Being Pragmatic means being open to change, open to the reality of today, working with the change to your benefit
- Universe is Dynamic and changing
- Purpose of thought is action- Focus is on Experience
- Truth is Relative. Truth is formed by its results
- Believe in Present
Principles of Education in context of Pragmatism
- No Ultimate values
- Emphasizes on learner’s Experiences
- Emphasis of experimentation
- Believe in practical philosophy
- Knowledge origins from the interaction of Environment and human experience
Aims of Education
- Development of life skills to solve daily life problems.
- Activity and Experiences
Personal and social Adjustment
- Holistic(All round) Development
- Child is the center of learning program
Shape of Curriculum
- Curriculum should be dynamic and changing, addressing needs of the time
- Should not use 20 or 30 years old methods and content for present problems
- Curriculum should be child centered
- Physical sciences and physiology as well as material and biological
- Business studies
- History and Social Sciences were not addressed
- Curriculum should be broad based (Should include various Skills and activities)
- Should be related to life and based on Principle of Utility
Methods of Teaching
- Learning by Doing
- Discovery Methods
- Project Method
- Provision of Real life Problems/ Case Studies
- Methods involving freedom for the children to learn
Role of Teacher
- Teacher’s role is Facilitator
- Observer
- Friend
- Philosopher
- Slogan of Pragmatism is freedom of experience and Expression
- Full Freedom based on consequences
- No Punishment
- Self-Discipline
Shape and role of school
- School is a miniature of society.
- School should be natural and spontaneous field of free activates.
- A social institute to develop social sense of duty towards society and nation
- Democratic
- Social environment based of principle of liberty, and experimentation
- Students should be involved in governance and decision making
- Gave expansion to new subjects and braches in these subjects e.g Mathematics, Psychology, Botany, Zoology, business studies, Engineering,