Educational Philosophies : Perrenialism

Chapter Desccribes Educational Philosphies

•Perrenialism   Today’s Focus




Detail of Perrenialism is debated and discussed within the class

•It is a Traditional Educational Philosophy

•Human needs and problems remain same to a larger extent

•Aim to develop intellectual and moral qualities in the students through the study of Great Books

•Perrenialists emphasize that students should not be taught information that may soon be out dated or found to be incorrect

•Education is preparation of life not life in itself

•Education is life in itself

Aspects of Western civilization and their importance


•Laws and Principles of Science


•Works of Literature


•These ideas have the potential for solving problems of any era

•Perrenialism focusses to teach ideas that are everlasting

Major Proponents of this educational philosophy are 

•Robert Maynard Hutchins (1963)- Great Books Program

•Mortimer Adler (1902-2001)

•Jacques Maritain (1882-1973)