week 5th & 6th: Computing and communication resources

  • Introduction
  • Hardware
  • Major computer components
  • Processors
  • Processor Characteristics
  • Memory
  • Storage
  • Input Devices
  • Output Devices and Multimedia
  • personal computing devices
  • Tablets, Handheld and Pocket PCs
  • Personal Digital Assistants
  • Cell Phones with Interactive Messaging
  • software
    • Application Software
    • Prewritten Application Software
    • custom application software
    • the role of user-friendly software
  • communications---public telephone system
  • public connections
  • private lines
  • virtual private network (VPNs)
  • communications – networks
  • protocols for computer communication
  • proprietary protocols
  • ethernet
  • packets
  • internet network addresses
  • network types
    • local area networks
    • metropolitan area networks
    • wide area networks
  • internet
  • convergence of computing and communications