Week 4 (Operons, Promoters, RNA Polymerases)
- Operons and their types
- lac Operon
- Trp Operon
- RNA polymerases and their types
- Prokaryotic RNA Polymerases
- Prokaryotic Transcription Mechanims
- Eukaryotic RNA polymerases
- Promoter and their types
- Repressors
- Inducers
Reading List
- Operons
- RNA Polymerases
- Promoters
- Voet, D. and J. G. Voet,. Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York
Course Material
- Week 1 (Introduction to Molecular Biology, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Replication)
- Week 2 (DNA Damage, Repair and recombination)
- Week 3 (Control of DNA replication, Virus replication, Transcription)
- Week 4 (Operons, Promoters, RNA Polymerases)
- Week 5 (Protein-DNA interaction, Post transcriptional processing)
- Week 6 (Gene expression, rRNA, tRNA)
- Week 7 (Genetic Code, codons and tRNA)
- Week 8 (tRNA activation, Proofreading)
- Week 9 (Translation - Initiation)
- Week 10 (Translation - Elongation complex formation)
- Week 11 (Translation - Termination)
- Week 12 (Control of Protein Synthesis, PTMs)
- Week 13 (Post Translational Modification)
- Week 14 (Protein sorting and degradation)
- Week 15 (Promoters and control of gene expression)
- Week 16 (Protein purification, characterisation, PCR, SDS PAGE)
- Week 17 (Bio-Physical Techniques I)
- Week 18 (Bio-Physical Techniques II)
- Chapters 18
- Department Chemistry
- Teacher
Dr Muhammad Fayyaz ur Rehman