Muslim Scientists Abu Ali Sina & Ibn Al Hytham

Abu Ali Sina

(Abu Ali al Ḥussain ibn Abdullah ibn Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina.)

             He was born in 980 (A.D) afshina near Bukhara. He was a great physician of all time. He is considered as the greatest intellectual Giant of middle ages. He received his early education in Bukhara and by the age of 10 year. He had become the well verst in the study of Quran and neural sciences. He started finding of the philosophy by reading out many Greek Muslims and alternative books and learned logic and some alternative objects from Abu Abdullah nattily, a celebrated thinker of its time. In his teen age, he got expertise in medicine and the age of 17 he treated Noon-ibn-Mansoor Seminude king. Who was suffering from a disease for which all the well-known physician had given up the hope of his recovery. The king wanted to reward him but Ibn Sina only desired permission to use his library.

            On his father’s death he left Bukhara and went to Burgan where Khwarizm welcomed him. There he met Abu Rehan al Barony later on he moved to Ray and then Hamadan where he wrote his book al-Qanooon Fil Tibb known as CANON in latin. That was translated in many languages and it remained the soul of text book of medicine for several year. He contributed it in medical science, philosophy, logic mathematics, astronomy and music. He is better known as “Avicenna” in the west. He wrote not less than 230 books and articles. He fell victim to disease in which he was specialist and died in 1037 A.D. Canon of Avicenna dominated the medicals schools of Asia and Europe for six centuries.

BOOKS          Al- Qanooon Fil Tibb, Al Shifa, Nafia, Issharat

Ibn Al-Hytham

(Abu Ali Hassan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham)

            He was known as a “Al-Hazen”, “Al-Hacen” and “ Al-Hazani” in the west. He was born in Basra in 975 A.D. He was the first to test the hypothesis with experiment, developing scientific method more than 200 years before European scholar learned of it by reading his books. He first studies “theology” trying to resolve the difference between Muslims Sects. He then turned his attention to the works of ancient and Archimedes. He was the first person to apply al-Jabra to geometry founding the branch of mathematics known as “Analytical Geometry”. He was an outstanding mathematician physiologist and optician. He explained reflection of light rays through transparent objects discovered magnifying lenses and function of retina as the seat of vision.

He described his massive study of light and vision in “kitab ul manazir”.Ibn ul-Haytham submitted every hypothesis to a physical test or mathematical proof to test his hypothesis that “Light and Colors do not blended the air”. He devised the world first camara (obsecura). He observed what happen when light rays are intersecting and its aperture and recorded the result through his investigation, he followed all the steps of scientific method. He identify the gravity as a force. He died in 1039 A.D and was buried in cairo( Egypt).


Mizan ul hikma, configuration of the universe, on twilight phenomena, uyunal Arabia fil tabbaqaat il-Attbia