Linkage, Crossing Over, Blood Grouping
Crossing over always occurs between linked genes. It produces recombination of linked genes which play very important role in evolution. Recombination frequency helps in finding out the distance between genes. Given by Sturtevant. Recombination frequency helps in the construction of genetic maps of the chromosomes.
- Master Success Text Book Botany C by Riaz-ul-Haq Ramay
Course Material
- Week 1: Introduction of Prokaryotes and Eukaryote Cell, Animal and Plant Cell Structure
- Mechanisms of Heredity; Cell Division
- Laws of Inheritance
- Structure of Chromosome; Genes
- Transcription, Translation
- Mutation
- Linkage, Crossing Over, Blood Grouping
- Sex-linked Inheritance, Sex Determination
- Genetic Disorders
- Introduction to Biotechnology Cloning, Techniques in Biotechnology
- Evolution Darwinism, Lamarckism
- Mechanisms of Evolution
- Animal Behavior Learning, Conditioned Behavior, Habituation, Imprinting, Social Behavior
- Physiology of Various System in Man Digestion, Respiration
- Transportation, Excretion
- Assignment + Presentation + Quiz
- Revision
- Chapters 17
- Department Psychology
- Teacher
Irum Waheed