Evolution Darwinism, Lamarckism
Evolution is defined as the heritable changes occurring in a population over a particular time period. Through the course of time, different theories have been put forward to explain the evolutionary mechanisms of organisms. Lamarckism and Darwinism are two such theories put forward.
- Master Success Text Book Botany C by Riaz-ul-Haq Ramay
Course Material
- Week 1: Introduction of Prokaryotes and Eukaryote Cell, Animal and Plant Cell Structure
- Mechanisms of Heredity; Cell Division
- Laws of Inheritance
- Structure of Chromosome; Genes
- Transcription, Translation
- Mutation
- Linkage, Crossing Over, Blood Grouping
- Sex-linked Inheritance, Sex Determination
- Genetic Disorders
- Introduction to Biotechnology Cloning, Techniques in Biotechnology
- Evolution Darwinism, Lamarckism
- Mechanisms of Evolution
- Animal Behavior Learning, Conditioned Behavior, Habituation, Imprinting, Social Behavior
- Physiology of Various System in Man Digestion, Respiration
- Transportation, Excretion
- Assignment + Presentation + Quiz
- Revision
- Chapters 17
- Department Psychology
- Teacher
Irum Waheed