week 1- introduction
Sociologists develop theories to explain social phenomena. A theory is a proposed relationship between two or more concepts. In other words, a theory is explanation for why or how a phenomenon occurs.
Sociological theory is developed at multiple levels, ranging from grand theory to highly contextualized and specific micro-range theories. There are many middle-range and micro-range theories in sociology. Because such theories are dependent on context and specific to certain situations, it is beyond the scope of this text to explore each of those theories.
Course Material
- week 1- introduction
- week 2 -social forces and intellectual forces
- week 3-french revolution, Enlightenment
- Week 4- August comte, positivism,
- week 5- karl marx, socialism, communist menifesto
- week 6- W.G. Sumner, folkways. ,mores, in-group, out-group, basic motives
- Week 7- Emile Durkheim, suicide, and social currents
- week 8- mid term exam
- week 9- Herbert Spencer, concept of society, Laissez-Faire
- week 10- Max weber, Sociology of religion, Bureucracy
- week 11- Rational choice theory
- week 12- Phenomenology, Ethnomethodology
- week 13- Feminist Theory
- Week 14- social behavioris and interactionism
- week 15- synthesis in sociological theory
- week 16- final term
- Chapters 16
- Department Noon Business School
- Teacher
Sidra Kazmi