Week 8: Population Size, Structure, Distribution and Changes.

There are two types of counts for measuring the population size; one counting of population where present on census date and other count is at normal or usual residence. The former is known as de-fecto count and the latter as de-jure count of population size.

Classification or grouping or division of population with respect to any of it its characteristics is called as structure of population with respect to that characteristic, e.g. division of population into males and females is known as sex structure of population.

And classification or grouping the population according to their age groups is called age structure. These both are most important demographic variables of population most of the analytical techniques depend upon the sex structure and age structure of population.

Population change is simply the change in the number of people in a specified area during a specific time period. Demographics (or demography) is the study of population statistics, their variation and its causes. These statistics include birth rates, death rates, migration rates and sex ratios. All of these statistics are investigated by censuses and surveys conducted over a period of time. Some demographic information can also be obtained from historical maps, and aerial photographs. A major purpose of demography is to inform government and business planning of the resources that will be required as a result of population changes.