PP-408            BIOLOGY AND CULTIVATION OF EDIBLE FUNGI                   3(2-1)


To acquaint students with biology and cultivation of edible fungi.


History of mushrooms; taxonomy, biology and cultivation of edible fungi in Pakistan; identification of edible and poisonous species; nutritional and medicinal importance of edible fungi; technical aspects of cultivation of button, oyster, straw, Chinese, shiitake, and medicinal edible fungi: growth rooms, pasteurization methods; national and international markets and commercial value of edible fungi; spawn types and processing techniques; pests and diseases of edible fungi and their management.


Taxonomic studies of wild and cultivated mushrooms; construction of model mushroom houses; Preparation of spawn; development of compost and beds from different agricultural and industrial wastes; control of pest and diseases of mushrooms.

Recommended Books:

  1. Alexopoulos, C.J., C.W. Mims and M. Blackwell. 1996. Introductory Mycology. 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
  2. Bahl, N. 1988. Hand book on Mushrooms. 2nd Ed. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. New Delhi. India.‎
  3. Chang, S.T. and P.G. Miles. 2004. Mushroom Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect and Environmental Impact. CRC Press, NYC, USA.
  4. Chang, S.T. and T.H. Quimio. 1982. Tropical Mushrooms: Biological Nature and Cultivation Methods. Chinese University Press.
  5. Khan, S.M. and S.M. Khan. 2005. Mushroom cultivation. N SRS Publishers, Faisalabad.
  6. Miles,P.G. and S.T. Chang. 1997. MushroomBiology: Concise Basic and Current Developments. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  7. Nasim, G. and R. Bajwa. 2010. Glomalean Spore Flora of Pakistan. HEC, Islamabad, Pakistan.



Mid Term

Final  Term








Assignment (1)





Presentations (4)





Practicals/Field work (1)





Attendance (1)





Class Participation (1)






Course Material