
Pre-rquisite: Thermodynamics


The aim of the course is to provide the fundamental theory for the analysis of heat transfer processes occurring in boilers, condensers, cooling towers and furnaces. The course comprises two parts: (1) Multiphase Heat Transfer, and (2) Radiative Heat Transfer.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Each student can build models of heat transfer processes and systems by applying conservation of mass and energy to a system.
  • Each student can describe the physical mechanisms involved in conduction heat transfer. Each student can use Fourier's law in conjunction with conservation of energy to develop the heat diffusion equation.
  • Each student can utilize solution methods for the heat diffusion equation to analyze 1D, 2D, steady and transient problems, including the use of thermal circuits and analytical and numerical methods.
  • Each student can describe the physical phenomena associated with convection and use non-dimensional parameters to analyze convection heat transfer. Each student can calculate local and global convective heat fluxes using Newton's law of cooling.
  • Each student can use empirical correlations to analyze external and internal, forced and free convection problems.
  • Each student can describe the physical mechanisms involved in radiation heat transfer. Each student can model radiative heat transfer processes and include radiative processes when analyzing heat transfer at a surface.
  • Each student can identify heat transfer phenomena in real-world applications, use a systematic method  to formulate a useful engineering problem statement, use basic concepts and fundamental laws to build a model that addresses the engineering problem, solve the engineering problem using a systematic methods.

Course Contents

  1. Thermodynamics systems
  2. Work and heat, first law of thermodynamics applied to closed and open systems,
  3. Properties of vapours in ideal gasses
  4. Second law of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy.
  5. The external problem with reference to the vertical flat plate and horizontal circular cylinder for isothermal surface condition and constant heat flux,
  6. Limiting velocity and thermal fields for small and large Prandilt numbers.
  7. Exact solutions for free convection from a point or line source of heat,
  8. The turbulent plume.
  9. The internal problem with reference to flow in Cavities,
  10. Lighthill’s thermosyphon
  11. The cooling of a turbine blade.Batchelor’s work on double glazing.
  12. Analytical solutions of ostrich on fully developed combined free and forced convection in vertical tubes,
  13. The effects of viscous dissipation;
  14. Effects of non-uniform convection on forced flow in a uniformly heated horizontal circular tube following work by Monton.
  15. Some simple unsteady free convection problems with analytical solution.


Recommended Books

  1. J.P. Holman, Heat Transfer, 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2010.
  2. W.M. Kays and M.E. Crowfard,Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005.
  3. F.P. Incropera and D.P. Dewitt,Fundamentals of Heat and Mass transfer, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 200

    Assessment Criteria:  

    Mid-Term Marks:  30

    Final-Term Marks: 50

    Sessional Marks: 20

Course Material