Pre Requisite: Undergrade Mathematics and Physics
The course of fluid mechanics is introducing fundamental aspects of fluid flow behavior. Students will learn properties of Newtonian fluids; apply concepts of mass, momentum and energy conservation to flows.
Learning Outcomes:
- Apply the basic models for inviscid and viscous fluid flow using control volume and differential analysis approaches.
- Develop the understanding by applying mathematical models to simple realizable configurations along with practical considerations.
- Apply solutions of models developed in the course for industrial applications.
- Analyze the problems related to elementary fluid dynamics especially for incompressible flows using Bernoulli equation in particular.
Course Contents:
- Introduction: Definition of Fluid, basics equations,
- Methods of analysis, dimensions and units. Fundamental concepts,
- Fluid as a continuum, velocity field, stress field, viscosity, surface tension, description and classification of fluid motions,
- Fluid Statics: The basic equation of fluid static,
- The standard atmosphere, pressure variation in a static fluid,
- Fluid in rigid body motion. Basic equation in integral form for a control volume, basic laws for a system,
- Relation of derivatives to the control volume formulation,
- Conservation of mass, momentum equation for inertial control volume,
- Momentum equation for control volume with rectilinear acceleration,
- Momentum equation for control volume with arbitrary acceleration,
- The angular momentum principle, the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics,
- Introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion,
- Conservation of mass, stream function for two dimensional incompressible flow,
- Motion of a fluid element (kinematics), momentum equation.
Recommended Books
- Fox R.W., McDonald A. T.,Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 6th ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2004) (Suggested Text Book).
- White F.M., Fluid Mechanics, 5th ed. (McGraw Hill, 2006).
Suggested Books
- GrangerR. A., Fluid Mechanics, 1sted.(Winston Publisher USA, 1985).
- Bruce R., Rothmayer, A. P., Theodore, H. O. and Wade, W. H.,Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 7thed.(Willey Son Publisher USA, 2013).
- NakayamaY.,Introduction to fluid mechanics. 2nd ed. (Butterworh Heinemann Publisher, 2018).
Assignment Criteria:
Mid Term Marks: 30
Final Term Marks: 50
Sessional Marks: 20
Key Dates and Time of Class Meeting
Monday: 8:00 a.m to 9:30 a.m (Regular group), 11:12:30 p.m (Self Support group)
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m to 9:30 a.m (Regular group), 12:30 to 2:00 a.m (Self Support group)
Commencement of Classes Octobor 12, 2020
Mid Term Examination December 14, 2020
Final Term Examination Feb, 8-12, 2021
Declaration of Result Feb., 19, 2021