Pre Requisite: Undergrade Mathematics and Physics


The course of fluid mechanics is introducing fundamental aspects of fluid flow behavior. Students will learn properties of Newtonian fluids; apply concepts of mass, momentum and energy conservation to flows.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Apply the basic models for inviscid and viscous fluid flow using control volume and differential analysis approaches. 
  • Develop the understanding by applying mathematical models to simple realizable configurations along with practical considerations.
  •  Apply solutions of models developed in the course for industrial applications.
  •  Analyze the problems related to elementary fluid dynamics especially for incompressible flows using Bernoulli equation in particular. 

Course Contents:

  1. Introduction: Definition of Fluid, basics equations,
  2. Methods of analysis, dimensions and units. Fundamental concepts,
  3. Fluid as a continuum, velocity field, stress field, viscosity, surface tension, description and classification of fluid motions,
  4. Fluid Statics: The basic equation of fluid static,
  5. The standard atmosphere, pressure variation in a static fluid,
  6. Fluid in rigid body motion. Basic equation in integral form for a control volume, basic laws for a system,
  7. Relation of derivatives to the control volume formulation,
  8. Conservation of mass, momentum equation for inertial control volume,
  9. Momentum equation for control volume with rectilinear acceleration,
  10. Momentum equation for control volume with arbitrary acceleration,
  11. The angular momentum principle, the first law of thermodynamics, the second law of thermodynamics,
  12. Introduction to differential analysis of fluid motion,
  13. Conservation of mass, stream function for two dimensional incompressible flow,
  14. Motion of a fluid element (kinematics), momentum equation.

Recommended Books

  1. Fox  R.W., McDonald A. T.,Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 6th ed. (John Wiley & Sons, 2004) (Suggested Text Book).
  2. White F.M., Fluid Mechanics, 5th ed. (McGraw Hill, 2006).

Suggested Books

  1. GrangerR. A., Fluid Mechanics, 1sted.(Winston Publisher USA, 1985).
  2. Bruce  R., Rothmayer, A. P., Theodore, H. O. and Wade, W. H.,Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 7thed.(Willey Son Publisher USA, 2013).
  3. NakayamaY.,Introduction to fluid mechanics. 2nd ed. (Butterworh Heinemann Publisher, 2018).

Assignment Criteria: 

Mid Term Marks: 30

Final Term Marks: 50

Sessional Marks: 20

Key Dates and Time of Class Meeting

Monday: 8:00 a.m to 9:30 a.m (Regular group), 11:12:30 p.m (Self Support group)

Tuesday: 8:00 a.m to 9:30 a.m (Regular group), 12:30 to 2:00 a.m (Self Support group)


Commencement of Classes                                                    Octobor 12, 2020

Mid Term Examination                                                             December 14, 2020

Final Term Examination                                                           Feb, 8-12, 2021

Declaration of Result                                                               Feb., 19, 2021

Course Material