Pre-requisite: Fluid Mechanics-I
Covers properties of fluids, laws of fluid mechanics and energy relationships for incompressible fluids Studies flow in closed conduits, including pressure loss, flow measurement, pipe sizing and pump Selection, momentum equation for frictionless flow, Euler’s equations, Bernoulli equation- Integration of Euler’s equation, laminar flow and Boundary layers.
Learning Outcomes:
- Identify how properties of fluids change with temperature and their affect on pressure and fluid flow.
- Describe fluid pressure and its measurement.
- Calculate forces on a plane submerged in a static fluid.
- Calculate buoyancy on a body submerged in a static fluid.
- Understand and apply the differential equations of fluid mechanics including the ability to apply and understand the impact of assumptions made in the analysis.
- Understand and apply the potential flow equations to basic flows.
- Understand and apply the compressible flow equations.
- To be able to analyze the problems related to basic in compressible viscous flows.
- Determination of non-dimension parameters for a given system.
- To apply the knowledge of laminar and turbulent flows to find pressure drop in pipes.
- Understanding the characteristics of boundary layer and calculate the forces acting on submerge bodies.
- Incompressible inviscid flow.
- Momentum equation for frictionless flow.
- Euler’s equations, Euler’s equations in streamline coordinates.
- Bernoulli equation- Integration of Euler’s equation along a streamline for steady flow.
- Relation between first law of thermodynamics and the Bernoulli equation.
- Unsteady Bernoulli equation-Integration of Euler’s equation along a streamline.
- Irrotational flow. Internal incompressible viscous flow.
- Fully developed laminar flow.
- Fully developed laminar flow between infinite parallel plates.
- Fully developed laminar flow in a pipe, Part-B Flow in pipes and ducts.
- Shear stress distribution in fully developed pipe flow.
- Turbulent velocity profiles in fully developed pipe flow.
- Energy consideration in pipe flow.
- External incompressible viscous flow.
- Boundary layers, the boundary concept, boundary thickness, laminar flat plate.
- Boundary layer: exact solution, momentum, integral equation, use of momentum integral equation for flow with zero pressure gradient.
- Pressure gradient in boundary-layer flow
Recommended Books
- Fox, R. W. and McDonald, A. T., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 6th Ed. John Wiley & Sons, 2004 (Suggested Text Book).
- White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics 5th Ed. Mc. (Graw Hill, published in 2006).
Suggested Books
- Robert Alan Granger, Fluid Mechanics Ist Edition (Winston Publisher USA, 1985)
- Bruce, R., Rothmayer, A. P., Theodore, H. O. and Wade, W. H., Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. 7th Edition, (Willey Son Publisher USA, 2013).
- Yasuki Nakayama. Introduction to fluid mechanics. 2ndEdition,( Butterworh Heinemann Publisher, 2018).
Assessment Criteria:
Mid-Term Marks: 30
Final-Term Marks: 50
Sessional Marks: 20