This course teaches students the importance and role of citizenship in promoting productive, harmonious and developed society/world. Citizenship education is an idea based on normative aspects. It promotes those skills that allow people to become active, responsible citizens in a society that respects the rights and the involvement of its individuals and fundamental democratic values. Active Citizenship Education facilitates the knowledge and competencies necessary to involve people in societal discussions and decision-making processes in a democratic way. Community engagement is "a dynamic relational process that facilitates communication, interaction, involvement, and exchange between an organization and a community for a range of social and organizational outcomes
Main objectives of this course are
To Educate students about the importance of concepts, skills and philosophy of community linkage in developing a sustainable society, inculcate the importance of community involvement for ensuring an improved, tolerant and generative society/world, and provide an opportunity to the students to develop their relationship with the community.
Recommended Books
Suggested Books
(list and number of practical/activities/project/field visits etc): on field social action project
In order to pass the course and gain a certificate students should therefore: