Teaching of General Science (EDU-512)                           


In this course emphasis is put on methods of teaching and lines of approach to the subject matter, rather than on the content of a syllabus. It is hoped that, by the use of good methods, the teacher will be able to lead his pupils towards an appreciation of scientific methods and all understanding of’ Science. The study of General Science in Primary and Secondary school is linked to National prosperity and economic development. The course is designed for the effective interactive ways of teaching science. The course will highlight the power of observation and inquisitiveness in general sciences studies. It will also focus on how to relate facts, concepts, and theories to every day experience to develop highly knowledgeable, highly skilled teachers do make a difference in terms of student learning using low cost and no cost and traditional audio visual as well as ICT in teaching learning process.

Learning Outcomes

After the completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  1. Understand scientific concepts
  2. Differentiate between scientific products and scientific processes
  3. Understand the underlying principle of science education
  4. Apply appropriate methods and techniques for effective learning and teaching in Science

Class Meeting Time




Teaching of General Science (EDU-512)

BS Regular 4th Semester

11:00 am to 01:00 pm

11:00 am to 01:00 pm

Assessment Criteria

Sr. No




Mid-Term Exam



Final Term Exam



Sessional Marks

(Class participation, Assignments, Behavior, Attendance & Presentations)


Course Material