The course is designed to acquaint the students of BS Programs with the rationale of the creation of Pakistan. The students would be apprised of the emergence, growth and development of Muslim nationalism in South Asia and the struggle for freedom, which eventually led to the establishment of Pakistan. While highlighting the main objectives of national life, the course explains further the socio-economic, political and cultural aspects of Pakistan’s endeavors to develop and progress in the contemporary world. For this purpose, the foreign policy objectives and Pakistan’s foreign relations with neighboring and other countries are also included. This curriculum has been developed to help students analyze the socio-political problems of Pakistan while highlighting various phases of its history before and after the partition and to develop a vision in them to become knowledgeable citizens of their homeland. 

1. To make the students to understand the factors and reasons behind the struggle of pakistan.
2. To provide basic infomation regarding Ideology of Pakistan .
3. Scholarly treat the historical facts and perspective of Pakistan and its contemporary issues.
4. To aware about constitional development in Pakistan and have sufficient knowledge about the National Codes of Ethics .
5. Have an in-depth understanding about the working and impacts of Army and Bureaucracy in  the Politics of Pakistan.
6.  To enhance understanding of the students regarding the Foreign Policy of Pakistan.

                CONTENTS OF COURSE .

  1. Historical background and reasons for creation of Pakistan .
  2. Ideology of Pakistan and Two Nations Theory.
  3. Aligarh Movement and its Impacts.
  4. Partition of Bengal and Formation of All - India Muslim League.
  5. Lacknow Pact and Khilafat Movement.
  6. Allahabad Address and Congress Ministries 1937.
  7. Lahore Resolution 1940 and General Elections 1946.
  8. Main Initial Problems of Pakistan.
  9. Political and Constitutional Developments in Pakistan 1947-1973.
  10. Role of Army in the Politics of Pakistan.
  11. Role of Bureaucracy in the Politics of Pakistan.
  12. Role Political Parties and Media.
  13. Current and Contemporary Issues of Pakistan as a Federal State.
  14. Economic Issues and problems  of Pakistan.
  15. Foreign Policy of Pakistan. Geo-Political Location of Pakistan.
  16. Pakistan relations with neighbouring Countries and Mulim World. 

1-Mid Term Examination. 30 Marks
2-Final Term Examination. 50 Marks
3-Sessional Marks ( Presentation, Assignment, Participation and Attendance ). 20 Marks
4- 75% attendance of the each student of class is mandatory to take the Final Term Examination.

The assignment topic regarding on the relevant subject is provided to each student of the class for the research purpose. The lenght of this topic shall not be less than 10 pages. Each student will be participated on the on the relevant topic in class.Some questions are asked by the teacher and other students of the class.               


     Class BS IR 2nd Semester Regular Days and Times .   

1-  Monday;  11 :00-12:30 AM .

 2-  Tuesday; 11:00- 12:30 AM.

                     READING MATERIAL AND BOOKS.

  1. Kazimi, M. R. (2007). Pakistan studies. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  2. Sheikh, J. A. (2004). Pakistan’s political economic and diplomatic dynamics. Lahore: Kitabistan Paper Products.
  3. Hayat, S. (2016). Aspects of Pakistan movement. Islamabad: National Institute of Historical and Cultural Research.
  4. Kazimi, M. R (2009). A concise history of Pakistan. Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  5. Talbot, I. (1998). Pakistan: A modern history. London: Hurst and Company.
  6. S.M.Buke and Lawrence Zining. Pakistan,s Foreign policy; Karachi; Oxford University Press.
  7. Dr Sawar. Muhammad. Pakistan Studies; Lahore; Ilmi Kitab Khana.
  8.  Rabbani. M. Ikram; Coprehensive Pakistan Studies; Lahore; Caravan Book House.








Course Material