Institution: Department of Islamic Studies

Program to be Evaluated: MA/BS Level

Course Code: ISL-802

Course Title: Islam and Modern Economic Thoughts II

Credit Hours: 03

Assessment Instruments with 
Weigh: Quizzes and Homework: 20%
Midterm: 30%, Final Term: 50 %

Course Coordinator: Dr M. Nasir Mahmood Waraich

Course Goals and Objectives

Political aspects of Islam are derived from the Qur'an, the Sunnah (the sayings and living habits of Muhammad), Muslim history, and elements of political movements outside Islam.

Traditional political concepts in Islam include leadership by elected or selected successors to the Prophet known as Caliphs, the importance of following Islamic law or Sharia; the duty of rulers to seek Shura or consultation from their subjects; and the importance of rebuking unjust rulers.

A significant change in the Islamic world was the abolition of the Ottoman caliphate in 1924. In the 19th and 20th century, common Islamic political theme has been resistance to Western imperialism and enforcement of Sharia through democratic or militant struggle. The defeat of Arab armies in the Six-Day War, the end of Cold War and collapse of the Soviet Union with the end of communism as a viable alternative has increased the appeal of Islamic movements such as Islamism, Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic democracy, especially in the context of popular dissatisfaction with secularist ruling regimes in the Muslim world.

Intended Learning Outcomes

The course focuses on questions that pertain to the ideological, normative, symbolic, and epochal aspects of political Islam. Political theorists, historians, sociologists, and anthropologists have disagreed on whether political Islam is an exclusively modern political phenomenon or is indebted to long-standing Islamic religious commitments. More specifically, they have also disagreed on whether the shape and ambitions of political Islam are entirely determined by the powers and institutions of the modern, bureaucratic state, particularly its secular desire to control, regulate, and reshape religion. These interpretive debates have often sat uneasily with ongoing normative debates about what kind of secularism democracy requires and whether democracy has priority over liberal rights and freedoms.

Reference Material

امین احسن اصلاحی، اسلامی ریاست

محمد اسحاق سندیلوی، اسلام کا سیاسی نظام

حیدر زماں صدیقی، اسلامی نظریہ سیاست

عبدالحمید صدیقی، اسلام اور تھیا کریسی

Muhammad Asad, Principles of state and Governments in Islam.

سیاسی نظام کا مفہوم اور اہمیت، مروجہ نظام سیاست اور اسلامی نظام سیاست کا تقابلی مطالعہ

ریاست کی ضرورت و اہمیت، اسلامی نظام سیاست کے بنیادی خدوخال، اقتدار اعلی، مقننہ، شوری، جمہوریت اور خلافت، نظریہ قومیت اور ملت، اسلامی ریاست کی خارجہ پالیسی، اسلامی ریاست میں حزب اختلاف کا تصور

امت مسلمہ کے موجودہ سیاسی مسائل اور ان کا حل

اسلام میں بنیادی حقوق و فرائض اور عالمی منشور کا تقابلی جائزہ

Topics Covered in the Course, 
with Number of Lectures on Each Topic

Week 1-2

سیاسی نظام کا مفہوم اور اہمیت، مروجہ نظام سیاست اور اسلامی نظام سیاست کا تقابلی مطالعہ

Week 3-4

ریاست کی ضرورت و اہمیت، اسلامی نظام سیاست کے بنیادی خدوخال،

Week 5-6

اقتدار اعلی، مقننہ، شوری،

Week 7-8

جمہوریت اور خلافت، نظریہ قومیت اور ملت، 

Week 9-10

اسلامی ریاست کی خارجہ پالیسی، اسلامی ریاست میں حزب اختلاف کا تصور

Week 11-12

امت مسلمہ کے موجودہ سیاسی مسائل اور ان کا حل

Week 13-14

اسلام میں بنیادی حقوق و فرائض اور عالمی منشور کا تقابلی جائزہ

Oral and Written 

Students are required to submit at least 3 written reports in the 
form of assignments. Presentations in the form of groups would 
be arranged in the last week if course would be covered before 
the 16th week.

Instructor Name: Dr. M. Nasir Mahmood Waraich

Course Material