The main objectives of this course Criminal Justice System is understanding how we prevent the occurrence of crime, punish the transgressors and the criminals, rehabilitate the transgressors and the criminals, compensate the victims as far as possible, maintain law and order in the society & to deter the offenders from committing any criminal act in the future. The course also examines the patterns of crime and victimization; police operations, discretion and decision making; the criminal courts, including sentencing; the corrections system, including correctional institutions and community-based models; the youth justice system.


At the end of this course, the students are expected to reflect the following abilities in their behaviour:

  1. Apply critically the core criminological studies and Criminal Justice System Principles to the situations related to crime, criminal justice, and the related areas of practice;

  2. Communicate effectively in writing and speaking in the presentation of ideas and their application to issues and situations related to Criminal Justice System;

  3. Develop and apply personal understanding of the diversity and the way it impacts work in criminal justice system;

  4. Apply key principles in criminal justice ethics to analyze real life and hypothetical decision-making situations in the practice of Criminal Justice System


  1. Auolakh. A. Majeed. Crime and Criminal Justice System in Pakistan, Lahore: Kausar Bros. Pakistan.

  2. Harry R. Dammer (2010) Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

  3. Hudson, Barbara A. 2003. Understanding Justice: An introduction to ideas, perspectives and controversies in modern panel theory. 2nd edition. Buckingham: Open University Press.

  4. Mark Jones (2011) History of Criminal Justice

  5. Nadeem, Azhar. Police System of Pakistan.

  6. Senna. Joseph J. and Siegel. Larry J. Introduction to Criminal Justice system. St. Paul: West Publishing Co. Current Edition

  7. Sieh, Edward W. 2006. Community Corrections and human dignity. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

  8. Usmani. Sultan Alam. Juvenile Delinquency Among male. A Social Economical Survey, Bureau of Police Research and Development, Ministry of Interior. Islamabad, Pakistan.

  9. Wrobleski. Henry M. and Hess. Karen M. Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. St. Paul: West Publishing Co. Current Edition.


  1. Saima, Akif & Asif Manzoor (Engr.) (2014). Police in Pakistan (A Research Book of Readings), March (2nd Edition). New York: UNITED STATES; Lulu publisher.




Topics and Readings

Books with Page No.

1 & 2

Introduction: What is Criminal Justice System, Components of Criminal Justice System and its process, Functioning of Criminal Justice System in Pakistan.

Police in Pakistan (A Research Book of Readings) by Saima Manzoor, Akif Manzoor & Eng. Asif Manzoor.

The criminal justice system: its functions and personnel by George T. Felkenes.

3, 4 & 5.

Police in Pakistan: History and development of Police in Pakistan, Police System (local, provincial and federal) in Pakistan, Its administrative and operational structure, Police authority, its abuse and police corruption, Police practices and constitutional safeguards, Police accountability and Police-Community Relations.

Police in Pakistan (A Research Book of Readings) by Saima Manzoor, Akif Manzoor & Eng. Asif Manzoor.

Stabilizing Pakistan Through Police Reform by Hassan Abbas.

Women Police Unfurled in Pakistan: Perspective, Status and Prospective by Saima Manzoor Arain.

NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AND MOTORWAY POLICE IN PAKISTAN: An Illuminative Study by Saima Manzoor Arain & Akif Manzoor Arain.

6, 7 & 8.

Judicial System in Pakistan: History of Islamic Adjudicature in the Indo-Pak and the development of Anglo-American System of Criminal Justice, Types and levels and administration of judicial institutions in Pakistan, The Courtroom at work (judges and magistrates), The Criminal Trial: Trial by Judge/Magistrate/Jirga, Adversarial System, Ple-Bargaining. PSI and Sentencing, Probation as an alternative to incarceration, Juvenile Justice System in Pakistan: Need & Prospects.

The Adversary System: A Description and Defense, Volume 27, Issue 8 by Stephen Landsman.

Adversarial Justice: America's Court System on Trial By Theodore L. Kubicek.

Sentencing: A Reference Handbook by Dean J. Champion.

Police in Pakistan (A Research Book of Readings) by Saima Manzoor, Akif Manzoor & Eng. Asif Manzoor.

Alternatives to Imprisonment: Intentions and Reality by Ulla V. Bondeson & Daneil Glaser.

Prison Bound: The Denial of Juvenile Justice in Pakistan by Vikram Parekh, Human Rights Watch (Organization).

09, 10, 11 & 13.

Prison Administration in Pakistan: Imprisonment as sentence, Prison administration and its management, Prison classification and rehabilitative programs in prisons of Pakistan, Prison population and problems of overcrowding, Community-Based Corrections (Parole), Future of contemporary prison in Pakistan. 

Prison Management: Problems and Solutions by M.B. Manaworker.

Sentencing Reform in Overcrowded Times: A Comparative Perspective edited by Michael Tonry, Kathleen Hatlestad

Probation, Parole, and Community-Based Corrections: Supervision, Treatment, and Evidence-Based Practices by Gary Bayens, John Smykla.  

14, 16 & 17.

Comparative Criminal Justice System: Criminal Justice System of the world today, A Comparison among Pakistan. The British, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Saudi and the American Criminal Justice Systems, The Future directions of Criminal Justice System in Pakistan.

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems by Shahid M. Shahidullah.

World Criminal Justice Systems: A Comparative Survey by Richard J. Terrill.

Comparative and International Criminal Justice Systems: Policing, Judiciary and Corrections edited by Obi N. I. Ebbe





Assignments on following topics:

  1. Judicial System in Pakistan

  2. Police in Pakistan

  3. Women Police in Pakistan

  4. National Highways And Motorway Police in Pakistan

  5. Judicial System in Pakistan

  6. Prison Administration in Pakistan

  7. Comparative Criminal Justice System



Sessional: 30

Project: 05

Quiz: 05

Presentation: 05

Participation:  05

Final exam: 50

Course Material