
A relatively advanced level course of research aims to enlighten the students about different steps involved in a typical research model. It will develop an understanding of different major data collection methods used in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. It aims to equip the students with a thorough understanding of the selection of different method/s of data collection appropriate for the specific study.  The course will make the students able of familiarizing with steps and basic elements required for writing a good research report.


Learning outcomes

After completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • explore the strengths and weaknesses of various research methods and develop the competency to apply them according to their selected research areas.
  • develop the understanding, application, and evaluation of methods of data collection in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
  • learn how to write a research report
  • quote reference in APA 7th style


The students must have passed their course of Research Methods-I, as the current course is an extension of Research Methods-I.



Course Contents


Quantitative research methods

Content analysis

Experimental method

Longitudinal research


Qualitative research method

Focus group

Participant observation method

Intensive interviews

Case studies

Writing research Report

Reference writing

Use of SPSS



Day                           Time                 

Monday             09:30 to 11:00                       12:30 to 02:00

Tuesday            09:30 to 11:00                        12:30 to 02:00

Wednesday                                          12:30 to 02:00

Thursday                                                         12:30 to 02:00



  • Neuman, L. (2010). Social Research Methods. NY: Pearson Inc. 
  • Reinard, J. C. (2007).  Introduction to Communication Research (4th Edition). NY: McGraw Hill.
  • Sarantakos, S. (1998). Social Science Research. MacMillan: London.
  • Wimmer, R.D., & Dominic, J.R. (2013). Mass Media Research: An Introduction (10th Edition). Belmont: Wadsworth .




Assessment Criteria

Sessional: 20 (Attendance 05, Presentation 05, Assignment 10)

Mid Term Exams: 30

Final Term exam: 50

Rules and Regulations

  • 80 % class attendance is a must.
  • Assignments would not be accepted after the due date.
  • Originality of work would be ensured in case of assignments.
  • In group presentations, group members have to divide the sub-topics in consultation with the teacher.


  1. At least two assignments would be given to the students during the semester.
  2. Presentations would be arranged in group form.
  3. Surprise quiz would be a regular activity

Important Dates

Start date: October 12, 2020  End date: February 8, 2021

First Assignment: 5th Week

Quiz: 6th Week

Second Assignment: 14th Week

Course Material