This methodological course aims to foster the capacity of students in understanding the wider debates and controversies of social research methods in sociological context.. In this advanced methodology course, the focus will be on epistemological approaches, research design, data analysis techniques and critiques of social research methods. During this course range of methodological approaches for example qualitative, quantitative or mixed method will be discussed but special emphasis will be placed on the following components of the research process: research questions and hypotheses, research design including qualitative research, action research and program evaluation, operationalization of variables, and measurement issues.

In this course, we’re going to explore:

  • The kinds of methods researchers tend to adopt
  • The contexts in which certain research methods are used
  • The benefits, drawbacks and ethical implications of researc
  • Learning Outcomes
  • The kinds of methods researchers tend to adopt
  • The contexts in which certain methods are used
  • The benefits, drawbacks and ethical implications involved in particular methods
  • Critical perspective on quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques
  • Critically analyze published research on methods
  • Recommended Books

  • Crano,W.D., B.B. Marilynn and L. Andrew. 2015. Principles and Methods of Social Research,Routledge.
  • Somekh, B. and C. Lewin. 2005. Research Methods In the Social Sciences. New Delhi, Vistaar Publications.
  • Garner, M., C. Wagner and B. Kawulich. 2009. Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences. London, Ashgate Publishing limited.

    Suggested Books

  • Hall,I.and D. Hall. 2004. Evaluation and Social Research, Introducing small scale practice. New York, Palgrave macmillan.
  • Hess-Biber, S. N. and P. Leavy.  2004. Approaches to Qualitative Research, A Reader on Theory and Practice. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Laurel, B. 2003. Design Research, Methods and Perspectives. London England, The MIT Press.

Course Material