This course is a graduate level course of M.Sc Physical Education. Sports Training course is designed to improve fitness level for the purpose of improving ability to perform a given sport. It includes corrective and restorative exercise, strength training, conditioning and cardiovascular training, sports specific techniques and drills, periodization, nutritional advice, mental and psychological training, and monitoring by a qualified trainer, The main aim of sports training is to improve the performance of athletes and is the most important aspect of physical education. The purpose of sports training is to achieve the highest possible sports result for a given individual. Training is efficient if results are achieved with a minimal expenditure of time and evergy. In accordance with the above statements, Science of Sports Training tells the reader how to achieve maximal results with minimum of effort. The purpose of athletics training is to achieve the highest possible sports result for a given individual or team to achieve maximumum efficiency in a selected sports disciplline limited by rules. Sports skills are presuppositions needed for implementing performance in a selected sports discipline which is limited by rules . such presuppositions are gained through motor learning.