
Cell biology, genetics and evolution are fundamental to an understanding of the processes of life. All the basic concepts of the subject will be discussed. From the  structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including a discussion of biomolecules, mitosis, meiosis and cell cycle, DNA structure and function from molecular to organism levels,  classical genetics,  molecular genetics and  evolutionary theories as unifying explanations of life.


Course contents

a) Cell Biology

  1. Structure and Function of Bio-molecules
  1. Carbohydrates       ii. Lipids          iii Proteins       iv. Nucleic Acids
  1. Cell: Cell theory, cell types (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), basic properties of cell.
  2. Brief description of structure and function of the following cell organelles

i. Cell wall ii. Cell membrane iii. Nucleus iv. Endoplasmic reticulum v. Plastids vi.  Mitochondria vii. Ribosomes viii. Dictyosomes  ix. Vacuoles

  1. Reproduction in somatic and embryogenic cell, mitosis, meiosis and cell cycle

b) Genetics

  1. Introduction, scope and brief history of genetics. Mendelian inheritance; Laws of segregation and independent assortment, back cross, test cross, dominance and incomplete dominance
  2. Molecular genetics; DNA replication. Nature of gene, genetic code, transcription, translation, protein synthesis, regulation of          gene expression (e.g. lac operon).
  3. Chromosomal aberrations; Changes in the number of chromosomes.
  4. Aneuploidy and Euploidy. Changes in the structure of chromosomes, deficiency, duplication, inversion and translocation.

c) Evolution: Introduction and theories

Course Aim

This course aims to develop understanding about core concepts of molecular composition of cell, principles of inheritance at cellular level and evolutionary linkages

 Student learning outcomes/ learning objectives

 By the end of this course students should be able to

Understand the structure and function of cell

Know the nature of genetic material and hereditary process

Familiarize with evolutionary processes

Assessment methodology

This is a four -credit lecture course

Mid-term exams 30 marks

Final term exams 45 marks

Practical exam 15 marks

Sessional (Attendance, assignment & presentation) 10 Marks


Verma, P.S. and Agarwal, V.K. (2005). Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology.

S. Chand & Company pvt. Ltd.

Course Material