A sampling technique is the name or other identification of the specific process by which the entities of the sample have been selected. Sampling techniques are important source of statistical data. A great many published statistics on demographic, economic, political and health related characteristics are based on survey data. Simple random sampling is a well-known method of sampling but, for reasons of efficiency and practical constraints, methods such as stratified sampling and cluster sampling are typically used by statistical authorities such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics and by market research organizations. A well designed sampling procedure ensures that we can summarize and analyze data with a minimum of assumptions and complications. This course deals with the basic concepts of sampling, requirements of a good sample, determination of sample size etc. The course provides mathematical and conceptual formation of sampling techniques especially for simple random sampling and stratified random sampling which are the types of probability sampling. Ratio and regression estimates in simple random sampling are also the parts of the contents. This course is designed for the different types of sampling and selection and estimation procedures.



  1. Basic concepts, advantages of sampling method, requirements of a good sample,
  2. Bias, sampling and non-sampling errors.
  3. Steps and problems involved in planning and conduct of census and sample surveys.
  4. Selection and estimation procedures.
  5. Description and properties of simple random sampling for properties and percentages.
  6. Estimation of variances, standard errors
  7. Confidence limits.
  8. Sample size determination under different conditions.
  9. Description and properties of stratified random sampling.
  10. Formation of strata
  11. Different methods of allocation sample size,
  12. Systematic sampling.
  13. Description and properties systematic sampling
  14. Ratio and regression estimates in simple RS
  15. Ratio and regression estimates in stratified random sampling.       

Recommended Texts

  1. Lohr SL, (2010). Sampling Design and Analysis (2nd ed.), Brooks/Cole
  2. Singh, R. and Singh N, (1996), “Elements of Survey Sampling”, Kulwar Academic Publisher, Dodrecht. 
  3. Cochran, W.G. (1996), Sampling Techniques, John Wiley and Sons, New York.


Suggested Readings


  1. Scheaffer RL, Mendenhall W, Ott RL, Gerow KG. (2012). Elementary Survey Sampling (7th ed.), Brooks/Cole
  2. Sukhatme; P.V. Sukhatme, B; Sukhatme, S; and Asok, A. (1985). Sampling Theory of survey with Application. Lowa State University Press.
  3. Barnett V, (2002). Sample Survey Principles and Methods (3rd ed.), Wiley
  4. C. E. Sarndal, B. Swensson, J. H. (1992). Model Assisted Survey Sampling






Basic concepts


Elements of Survey Sampling


Advantages of sampling methods

Elements of Survey Sampling


Requirements of a good sample

Elements of Survey Sampling


Bias, sampling and non-sampling errors

Elements of Survey Sampling


Steps and problems involved in planning and conduct of census and sample surveys

Elements of Survey Sampling


Selection and estimation procedures.

Elements of Survey Sampling


Description and properties of simple random sampling

Elements of Survey Sampling


Sampling for proportions and percentages.

Elements of Survey Sampling


Estimation of variances, standard errors and confidence limits

Elements of Survey Sampling


Sample size determination under different conditions

Elements of Survey Sampling


Description and properties of stratified random sampling

Elements of Survey Sampling


Formation of strata

Elements of Survey Sampling


Different methods of allocation of sample size

Elements of Survey Sampling


Systematic sampling

Elements of Survey Sampling


Ratio and regression estimates in simple and stratified Random sampling.


Elements of Survey Sampling


Ratio and regression estimates in simple and stratified Random sampling.


Elements of Survey Sampling


Description of system of Evaluation

Assignment:          05

Presentation:         05

Participation:         02

Attendance:          03

Quiz:                    05

Mid Exam:           30

Final exam:         50

Lecture Time :

BS V Regular: Monday (9:00-10:00)  Tuesday (10-11:00 Am), Thursday (8:00-9:00 AM), Friday (8:00-9:00 Am)

BS V SS: Tuesday (2-3:00 Pm), Wednesday (2-3:00): Thursday (4:00-5:00 PM), Friday (2:00-3:00 Pm)




















































































































































































































































































































Course Material