Constitutional law is the fundamental law of any stae. It controls and determines the limits of organs of the state. As such it plays significant role in any country. To learn and understand Pakistani politics along with its legal systems the study of important constitutions like constitutions of paksitan,1973 is paramount. This course enables the students to learn fundamental laws of Pakistan,objectives,limits of duties and powers between the different organs of state. This course aims to enables the students to analytically study the constitution.
Learning outcomes:
1: The course is intended to inculcate doctrinal analysis of constitutional provisions as laid down in the Constitution of Pakistan 1973.
2: At the end of the course, student would be enabled to have an overview of the Constitutional provisions for the Supreme Court, High Court, Federal Shariat Court, Supreme Judicial Council, and Administrative courts and tribunals, their composition, and the process of judicial organ of the state at the level of apex court.
3: The course would also give an insight into the Constitutional provisions for the Elections including power and authority of the Chief Election Commissioner, composition of Election Commission, Electoral laws, and the Conduct of Elections.
4: The readings in this course would highlight the constitutional framework for the Islamic provisions, Islamization of law, and the Council of Islamic Ideology, Emergency provisions and the amendments of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973.
Class Timings: LLB 5 Year Session 2017-22 (S.S)
Monday 12:30-02:00
Tuesday 12:30-02:00
Assesment Criteria:
Sessional : 20 [Presentations/Assignments (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (10)]
Mid Term : 30
Final Term: 50