The course is designed to give a comprehensive insight about the constitutional developments of Pakistan. Starting from the Government of India Act, 1935 till to date, all important events leading to constitutional developments in Pakistan will be the focus of course. Failure of the constitutional machinery and leading constitutional cases on the subject; starting from Molvi Tamizudin Khan to the dissolution of Assemblies and the constitutional petitions challenging the powers of Parliament to amend the Constitution will be part of the course
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the Course student should be able to know about:
Text Books:
Class Timings: LLB 3 Year Session 2018-21 Regular( Readmission)
Wednesday 09:30-11:00
Thursday 09:30-11:00
Assesment Criteria:
Sessional : 20 [Presentations/Assignments (05) Quiz (05) Attendance (10)]
Mid Term : 30
Final Term: 50