Course Code: CT-224
Credit hour (Th): 02
Course Objectives:
Course Outlines:
Material Testing:
Destructive and Non-destructive test, Mechanical properties, Method of testing of Fatigue test, impact and hardness test, tensile test and mild steel specimen.
Repair and Maintenance of Civil Works:
1. Introduction to different types of failures in building structures and their causes.
2. Assessment of damage by different methods including nondestructive methods.
3. Introduction to Rules and Regulations of Maintenance.
4. Repair and Maintenance Measures.
Books Recommended
1. Building Construction by S.K.Sharma
2. Different Practicing Codes used in different department of Civil Works like (P & D, PWD etc).
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Mid Exam 30 Marks
2. Sessional (Quiz, Assignment, Attendance) 20 Marks
3. Final Exam 50 Marks