This course provides a comprehensive introduction to agriculture economics, focusing in particular on its importance in an economy and its role for other sectors of the economy, its structure and role in economic development. More specifically, the course introduces key concepts related to resource use efficiency, supply response, theory of rent, surplus, and theories and models in agriculture economics.
1. Ghatak S.,&Ingersent, Agriculture and Economic Development, Harvester Press, (Latest Edition).
2. Capstick Margret, The Economics of Agriculture, London, George Allen Unwin Ltd, (Latest edition).
3. M.L. Jhingan, The Economics of Development and Planing, Varinda Publications, (Latest Edition).
4. Dr. Pranav K. Desai, Agricultural Economics, Biotech Books, (Latest Edition).
Description of System of Evaluation (Exam, Assignment, Etc.):
Mid Term: 30 Marks
Sessional: 20 Marks
Final Exam: 50 Marks