In business field , it helps businessmen to communicate effectively. It also asserts interdepartmental relationship.


This course is intended to assist individuals in recognizing their own communication styles and how their individual styles differ from others in the workplace. Additionally, participants learn how to improve their interpersonal skills and how to maintain relationships over time. Through interactive activities, self-assessment and discussions, participants gain awareness of their communication styles and learn strategies to resolve conflict and strategies for communicating effectively.

TEXTBOOK: THE Fifth discipline BY PETER SENGE, The Interpersonal communication book by Joseph A.Devito, and Communication and Interpersonal Skills by Erica Pavord and Elaine Donnelly. 

Course Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course the students will be able:

To sensitize their communicative behavior.

To enable themselves to reflect and improve their communicative behavior/performance

To build capacities for self-criticism and facilitate growth

To lead towards effective performances in communication

Prerequisites:     Command on Language

Semester (Spring2020)


Credit Hours: 03 

Instructor: Saqib Javed

Class Days:Wed and Friday

Class Timimgs:

7.30 to 9.00(D section)




Mid Term: 30

Project: 10

Presentation: 5

Participation: 5

Final exam: 50

Course Material