The main object of Research Methodology is to dig out new knowledge and discovery of truth by pushing back the areas of ignorance. It will provide to a researcher/ scholar the ways and means to undergo research process for the solution of various issues.


On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to know various methods of research, to collect, organize and present material from various sources related to a particular topic and to develop in themselves the interest and expertise in the field of research.


  1. Rob Walker, Doing Research, Mentlium & Co Ltd 11 new fetter lane , London , 1985.
  2. Giyan Chand, Tahkiqiq ka Fun , Muqtadra Qumi Zaban , Islmabad.
  3. Kerr. Legal Research : Step by Step (Emond Montgomery , 1998)
  4. Yogis. Legal Writing and Research Manual (Butterworths , 2000)
  5. Gerald R.Adams Jay D.Schvaneveld. T, Understading Research Methods Long Man, New York & London, 1985.



Monday ( 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm) , L.L.B 3 Years (2018-21) , Regular , Section B.


Monday ( 03:30 pm to 05:00 pm ), L.L.B 5 Years (2016-21) , Regular , Section B.

Tuesday ( 02:00 pm to 03:30 pm ) , L.L.B 3 Years (2018-21) , Regular , Section B.

Friday (02:00 pm to 03:30 pm) , L.L.B 5 Years ( 2016-21), Regular , Section B.


Contents of the course would be strictly followed as per the Course Outline provided by the Law College UoS.


In lieu of Mid-term exams , a  written assignment minimum of 3000 to 4000 words having 30 Maks was required to be submitted by the students.In this regard topics to students were duly assigned.Clear guidelines regarding the structure and format of the assignment  were given to students well before time by the department.


Sessional: 20 Marks

Mid-Term: 30 Marks

Final Exam: 50 Marks

Course Material