Course Objectives:

1. To improve the reasoning ability of the students.

2. To make students capable to demarcate fallacious and valid arguments.

3. To introduce to students application of logic in administrative sciences.

4. To develop decision making ability based on logical reasoning, which is crucial pre- requisite for successful managers.

Course Contents In Brief:

Logic is the Study of the methods principles used to distinguish correct form incorrect reasoning. It is branch of philosophy and mathematics. Logic scientificlly investigates and classifies the structure of statements/propositions and arguments, through the formal system of inference. it is study of arguments in natural language. Its subject matter is arguments which are constructed from propositions/statements. Arguments are composed of premises and conclusions. Logician study the criteria for the evaluation of arguments.     

Logic is classified as deductive and inductive logic. Classification of logic can be as classical/Aristotlian logic and modern/symbolic/boolean logic. Study of logic is very important for the all individual especially professional as it helps in improving and sharpening the intellectual thinking process. Purpose of teaching logic to students of is to enable them to distinguish correct for incorrect arguments while performing their managerial roles in their practical life.       

Recommended Text:

1. Restall, G. (2006). Logic: An Introduction, Taylor & Francis Group, New York.
2. Hurlez, P.J. (2003). A Concise Introduction to Logic, Woods worth /Thomason Learning Incorporation, Belmont.
3. Copi, I.M. (2002) Introduction to Logic, (Latest Edition) Pearson Education Inc, Delhi. 

4. Vaughn, L. (2005) The Power of Critical Thinking, Oxford University

Evaluation System:

            Mid Term 30%

            Final Term 50%.

           Sessional 20%

Class Meeting Schedule: Wednesday and Thursday: 11:00am to 12.30am


Course Material