Sylllogisms in Ordinary Language
1. Comparison of Standard form Syllogistic Arguments with ordinay language arguments.
2. Reducing the number of term to Three.
3. Translating the Categorical Propositions into Standard Form
4. Uniform Translation
5. Enthymemes; Sorities; Delima
6. Disjuntive and Hypothetical Syllogism
Course Material
- Introduction to Logical and Critical Thinking
- Basic Logical Concepts
- Basic Logical Concepts (Continued)
- Analyzing Argument
- Problems in Reasoning
- Language and Definitions
- Language and Definitions (Continued)
- Fallacies
- Categorical Propositions
- Categorical Propositions (Continued)
- Categorical Propositions (Continued)
- Categorical Syllogims
- Sylllogisms in Ordinary Language
- Symbolic Logic
- Symbolic logic and Methods of Deduction
- Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
- Chapters 16
- Department Commerce (SCB)
- Teacher
Mr. Ahmad Saeed