Practical 4- Mother-pup bond in mice and rats
Course Material
- Week 1- Foundations of animal behavior
- Week 2- Development of behavior- Innate mechanisms
- Week 3- Development of behavior: Imprinting
- Week 4- Kinds of behavior: innate, conditioned
- WeeK 5-Kinds of behavior: Complex behaviour patterns, habituation
- Week 6-Mechanisms of behavior: Nervous system and behavior
- Week 7- Mechanisms of behavior:Hormones and behavior
- Week 8- Social behavior: agonistic, altruistic, kinship
- Mid term Exam
- Week 9- Social behavior:Mating, ritualization, dominance, territoriality
- Week 10- Biological rhythms: circadian clocks, clock genes etc
- Week 11-Social organization: conflict, sexual behaviour
- Week 12- Social organization: Reproduction and fitness
- Week 13- Parental care, social system
- Week 14- Animal Communication: chemical attraction in moths
- Week 15-Communication displays, communication in honey bees
- Week 16- Communication through pheromones
- Presentations
- Final Term Exam
- Practical 1 (a) - Locomotory behavior of earthworm
- Practical 1 (b)- Locomotory behavior of garden snails
- Practical 2- Ear pinna reflex responses in domestic cats
- Practical 3- Preparation of skinner box for study of mouse or rat behavior
- Practical 4- Mother-pup bond in mice and rats
- Practical 5- Infant killing behavior
- Practical 6- Pecking behavior of chickens
- Practical 7- Hiding behavior of chicks
- Practical 8- Observation of birds nests and study of parental behavior
- Practical 9- Altruistic behavior in monkeys
- Chapters 29
- Department Zoology
- Teacher
Dr. Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar