Week 7: New media: (internet): website, blog, vlog, and social media, The phenomenon of social media: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google

he New Media Institute defines new media as “a catchall term used to define all that is related to the internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound.” That's in contrast to “old media,” which PCMag defines as all forms of communication that came before digital technology, including “radio and TV and printed materials such as books and magazines.”

It also constantly changes. As new technology is developed and widely adopted, what is considered new continues to morph. Once upon a time, DVDs and CDs were the latest way to watch movies and listen to music. Now, streaming services such as Netflix and Spotify are more popular.

Just a few examples of new media include:

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Email
  • Social media networks
  • Music and television streaming services
  • Virtual and augmented reality