week 1:Introduction of Broadcasting,Advantages and disadvantages FM,Handling the broadcast,Objective of broadcasting

Radio broadcasts can provide real-time information. In this era of technology, Radio become more important as radio is everywhere in shape of signal as well as in shape of gadget. Everyone can approach to radio at anyplace and anytime with his mobile phone and many other devices. When access to the internet is blocked and phone lines are cut, people can still search the airwaves for trustworthy sources. Even electricity is not a necessity for battery operated radios. Listeners can tune to a radio station of one’s choice.The subject of broadcasting has assumed a global recognition. With so much advancement being done in the field of mass communication, the use of air waves for putting the message across is now a reflex matter in our daily life. Study of the subject gives us clear guidelines as how best a society can benefit from the gains of these advancements.