Gender Related Research and research methods in gender issues



Lesson 04


  1. The socio-psychological, economic, biological, and cultural-societal impact of gender stratification and gender roles.
  2. It also explores the various aspects of gender relations and gender differences.

Gender research covers all sorts of issues pertaining to gender, especially the social and psychological life of women.


Feminist Research:

Research exploring the social, psychological, economic, biological, and cultural-societal aspects of women’s life.

  • The focus of research is the status and condition of women in the society.
  • The basic premise of gender research is the idea that women generally experience subordination. The objective of feminist research is to identify female’s problems so that resolutions can be found.
  • The ultimate goal is the improvement in the condition and status of women in the society.


Threats to Gender–related Research:

Margrit Eichler (1988) identified threats to sound research pertaining to gender: a..Androcentricity

b.Over generalizing c.Gender blindness d.Double standards e.Interference