
The learning focus for this unit is on developing business research skills and defining a business research question. It will bring together students’ theoretical and practical appreciation of how to identify and investigate business opportunities or problems as well as analyses data and conclude on the relevance of research findings as the research aim is unpacked, the student will be introduced to a range of relevant quantitative and qualitative business research methods and will select from these in determining a project design. Research reports are produced by many sectors including industry, education, and government and non-government organizations and may be disseminated internally, or made public ie published however they are not usually available from booksellers or through standard commercial publishing channels. Research reports are also issued by governmental and international organizations, such as UNESCO. There are various distribution models for research reports with the main ones being: public distribution for free or open access; limited distribution to clients and customers; or sold commercially. For example market research reports are often produced for sale by specialist market research companies, investment companies may provide research reports to clients