Course Material
- week 1: Introduction to radiobiology
- week 2: Radioisotopes and types of radiations
- week 3: Sources and effects of radiations on living cells
- week 4: Molecular basis of cellular effects and cell radiation sensitivity
- week 5: Radiation therapy, radiation protection
- week 6: Safety measures, treatment of radiation injuries
- week 7: Aspects and relationship of imaging physics and radiobiology
- week 8: Current regulation and recommendations in radiations in radiation biology
- week 9: Current regulation and recommendations in radiations in radiation biology
- week 10: Radiological technologies
- week 11:Use of radioisotopes as diagnostic and therapeutic tools
- week 12:Computational approaches in molecular radiation biology
- week 13: Health risks due to radiation biology,
- week 14: Diagnostic radiology
- week 15: Radiobiological damage, oxygenation, fractionation
- week 16: Cell and tissue radiosensitivity
- Chapters 16
- Department Botany
- Teacher
Dr. Zafar Iqbal