Detailed Lesson Plan

Lecture No Topic To be Discussed 

An Overview of Corporate Financing: Book value vs market value; dividend , stockholders' rights, classes of stocks, convertible securities. 

How corporations Issue securities, Venture capital, The underwritters, General Cash offers by public companies, The private placement. 3 Corporate Payout Policy 4 Does Debt Policy Matters? 5 How much should a corporate borrow? 6 How musch should a corporate borrow? 7 Financing and Valuation 8 Financing and Valuation 

9 Credit Rsk and the value fo corporate debt 10 Credit Rsk and the value fo corporate debt 11 The Many different kinds of debt 12 Leasing 13 Managing Risk 14 Managing International risk 15 Working Capital Management 16 Mergers and Corporate Restructuring