Course Material
- Weak 1: Basics of Information Retreival
- Week 2: Introdcution to Online Information Retreival
- Week 3: Understading the Information World
- Week 4: Models of Information Retreival
- Week 5: User-centered IR viewpoint
- Week 6: Issues in Information Retreival
- Week 7: Index/Abstract construction
- Week 8 : Searching Techniques
- Week 9: Development and Implementation of Search Strategies
- Week 10: Online Searching Overview and Practice
- Week 11: Information Credibility Assessment
- Week 12: Overview of Gernal and Subject Speicific Online Databases
- Week 13: Evaluation of IR Systems
- Week 15: Hands on Practice
- Chapters 14
- Department Library & Information Sciences
- Teacher
Dr. Muhammad Asif Naveed