Course outline
Education: Meanings, concept and function
Compnents of education
Aims of education: Democratic and totalitarian
Education: Science or Art?
- Types of education
- Foundations of educations
- Philoophical foundation
- Sociological foundations
- Psychological foundation
- Economic foundation
- Historical foundation
- Islamic foundation
- Unit 2: Philosophical foundation
- Philosophy: Nature, types and components or branches of philosophy
- ( Epeistomology, Axiology, ontology)
- Relationship between education and philosophy
- A brief introduction to general philosophies and their realtionship with education(Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, Existentialism)
- Educational philosophies
- Perennialism
- Essentialism
- Progressivism
- Reconstructionism
- Existentialism
- Islamic philosophy of education
- Role/ scope of educational philosophies in the develpment of educational system -implications
- Unit-3: Sociolological Foundations
- Educational Sociology : concept, scope, function and relationship with education
- Education and society
- Child's socialization : Family, peers, school and education
- Sociological tendency in education
- Nature of society, cultural and school
- Institutions and agencies of education: Formal and informal( home, community, state)
- Social control
- Education social change
- Social stratification and mobility
- Education for social development/ functinof education in social developmnt.
- Education as process in social system: social activity
- social values in education
- Education and modernization
- The role of mass media i education
- Educaton for national integration
- Deschooling society
- Equity, equality and adequecy i education
- Sociometric studies and social surveys
- Education for dealng social issues: Terrorism, ethnic clashes, violence. prevention of driugs abuses, politicization of education, women education, reilgious and moral education etc.)
- Unit- 4: Psychological Foundations
- Psychology: Study of character and vehavior
- Teacher's awarness about students need and problems
- Role of psychology in classroom management, teaching, learing, evaluation,gradation and effective teachi
- Teacher and taught motivaton and moral building
- Personality , creativity and intelligence
- Creating learning environment in schools
- Individul difference in education
- Unit-5: Economic Foundations of education
- Economics: Basic concepts, and relationship with education
- Role of education in the economic development of a country
- ducation: Investment or consumption
- The economic value if education
- Priorities and patterns of instrument ineducation in developed and developing countries
- Micro and macro- economics
- Human capital theory in education
- Cost- benefit analysis in education
- Social and private returns of educations
- Unit-6: Historical Foundations of Education in Pkaistan
- A brief overview of the history of teacher education in pakistan
- First Educational conference 1947
- Second EDucatioal conference 1951
- National commission on Education 1959
- New Education policy 1969
- Education policy 1972
- National Education policy 1979
- National Educational policy 1992
- National educational policy 1998-2010
- Education Sector Reforms 2000-04
- Analysis of eight five year educational plans 1955-1998