Week16-17: Posterior Distributions, Querries solved, Quiz conducted
Questions related to Posterior distributions from book attached in Week 1 lesson, "Introduction to the Theory of Statistics by Mood and Graybel" in detail will be solved. Moreover, general querries will be solved out from all lectures and quiz will be conducted.
Course Material
- Weak 1: Introduction to Statistical Inference-I with some basic concept
- Weak 2: Point of estimation, Properties of good point estimator (unbiasedness and consistency)
- Week 3: Order Distribution, questions related to unbiasedness and consistenc and efficiency topic y
- Week 4: Sufficiency, minimal sufficiency, joint sufficiency
- Week 5: questions related to sufficiency and Exponential Family
- Week 6: Fisher Information with its questions
- Week 7: Cramer Rao Lowe Bound, Rao Black Well Theorem
- Week 8: Lehmann Scheffe Theorem with its questions and complete UMVUE
- Week 9: Mid term
- Week 10-11 Methods of Estimation
- Week 12-13: Basyes Method, Benefits of Bayesian Methods with Comparison of Classical Methods
- Week 14-15: Prior and Posterior Distributions with examples
- Week16-17: Posterior Distributions, Querries solved, Quiz conducted
- Week 18: Final Term
- Chapters 14
- Department Statistics
- Teacher
Dr. Hafiza Mamona Nazir