The sense of hearing
The ears outer , middle , and inner parts perform the functions of collecting , amplifying and transducing sound energy , respectively .
•The outer ears pinna and ear canal funnel sound waves onto the eardrum , causing it to vibrate .
•The ear – drum vibration is amplified 20- fold through the lever action of the middle ears ossicles (malleus, Incus, stapes) , and differential vibrating surfaces of the eardrum and the inner ears oval window .
•Stapes movement displaces the oval window and subsequently the basilar membrane of the inner ears cochlea , generating frequency- dependent traveling waves in the cochlea .
•The hair cells of the cochlea transduce sound waves into nerve impulse.
Steps in the generation of sensory impulses from the ear
1. Sound waves enter the external auditory meatus .
2. Waves of changing pressure causes the tympanic membrane
to vibrations coming from sound wave source 3. Auditory ossicles amplify and transmit vibrations to the and of the stapes .
4. Movement of the stapes at the oval window transmit vibrations to the perilymph in the scala vestibule .
5. Vibrations pass through the vestibular membrane and enter the endolymph of the cochlear duct .
6. Different frequencies of vibration in endolymph move specific regions of the basilar membrane , thus stimulating
specific sets of receptors cells (hair cells).
7. As receptor cell becomes depolarized ; its membrane become more permeable to Ca++ ions .
8. In the presence of Ca++ ions , vesicles at the base of receptors cell release neurotransmitter .
9. Neurotransmitter stimulates the ends of nearby sensory neurons .
10. sensory impulses are triggered on fibers of the cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve .
11. Auditory impulses travel into medulla oblongata , midbrain , and thalamus , and are interpreted in the temporal lobes of the cerebrum.
At the end of this lesson, students should learn
- Tympanic membrane and ossicular system
- cochlea and its function
- hearing pathway
- functions of organ of corti
- endocochlear potential